Project Brief
I was tasked to develop a product for someone going through the life milestone of having a baby.

Mind Maps and Infinity Mapping
To begin the research and discovery phase, I joined a team who was tasked to explore the milestone of having a baby. Taking these insights, the team interviewed 6 different parents. We then did the process again with more particular questions that were revised from parent feedback.
Research Team Members Included: Hannah Wittenstein, Andrew Knops, and Kelsey Watkins

Interviews Analysis
• The baby’s sleep cycle has complete control over the parents’ daily schedule
• Even for well-prepared parents, sifting through all the available information on having a baby can be a struggle, especially if sources conflict with each other
• Parents have trouble maintaining relationships during early childcare, not only with their friends and extended families but also with each other


Insight 1: Lack of Sleep
Parents can only sleep when their baby is asleep. The baby needs to be constantly taken care of when they are awake.
Design Implications
1. A crib that requires less baby maintenance throughout the night
2. A device that keeps track of scheduling sleep cycles

Insight 2: Overwhelming/Conflicting Resources
When looking for information about raising a child online, there is an overwhelming amount of sources, many of which conflict with each other.
Design Implications
1. A device that allows for direct, immediate communication with a doctor
2. Baby clothing that has information printed on it

Insight 3: Isolation
Parents feel isolated after having a child because the time commitment of caring for the child allows for almost no room to maintain relationships.
Design Implications
1. A device that provides constant updates on the baby for
family members
family members
2. Something that helps split up chores between parents evenly
During the first six months after having a baby, new parents do not receive an adequate quantity or quality of sleep.

Market Research

Relevant Technology For the Future

Smart home assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, are digital assistants that allow control of devices such as lights without interacting with the device. They have the potential to be integrated into child care by providing information to parents or hands-off monitoring of children.

Artificial Intelligence, or machine learning, is a type of digital programming that allows the machine to learn from past experiences or data and teach itself how to do a better job. A.I. could be used to create personalized childcare plans for parents, independent from a doctor or professional, as well as provide personalized information based on a child’s profile.
Major Opportunities
1. A crib that provides a safe surrounding by minimizing the baby’s movement during the night (Went with this concept)
2. A non-intrusive baby monitor that tracks a baby’s sleep cycle that is personalizable with an interface that is easily navigable.
3. A mattress or accessory that allows children to sleep on a soft surface minimizes movement and is easy to maintain and clean.
Ideation and Conceptualization
Many concepts were made, including a pivot rotational bar under the mattress, little devices that push the mattress, and putting a rolling ball under it.

Sketches 1-6

Sketches 7-9

Sketches 11-15



Ball Under it
Low and Mid-Fidelity Model
I 3D modeled some prototypes to try to find different ways to move the mattress. This included making some mock prototypes, laser cutting some files, and playing with different techniques.

Low Fidelity Prototype

Low Fidelity Prototype

Low Fidelity Prototype

Mid-Fidelity Prototype

Mid-Fidelity Prototype

Mid-Fidelity Prototype
High-Fidelity Model Sketch

Attaching a Motor Under the Bottom Board
In the process of adding the motor, I had to solder the wires on top of it and make sure all the electronic components worked correctly so that the mattress mover would move.
CAD Model, Made in Fusion 360
High Fidelity Model

Full Mattress Mover

Mattress Mover in Crib

Mattress Mover with Mattress on Top
High-Fidelity Mattress Mover in Context
The crib that was used for context was not created by myself. Credit goes to the company that designed and created the crib. This crib and the company that designed it are not associated with the product I have developed. The crib is only used for context.

Video of High-Fidelity Mattress Mover in Action