Examples of Recent Projects Available Upon Request
If you would like to see recent project work, I can only provide visual reference once a connection has been made with a prospective employer. Please contact me at matthewwallerdesign@gmail.com for more.
Life Parks Research Paper
Life Parks is a research paper that envisions the future of theme parks in the transformational economy, where design focuses on individuals’ identity. The goal is to provide a path for people to discover and live out their embodied stories.
Interactive Audio Headphones for Immersive Theater
For Third Rail Project production guests who need to engage in a personalized audio immersive experience, our product is an interactive sound system that switches audio channels based on guest's location during a theater performance.
Star Lounge by Macy's
In partnership with Cognizant and getting feedback from representatives at Macy's, the Star Lounge is a concept for the future of retail experiences for department stores. As "The Top Golf of Retail," our experience brings the fitting room experience to the center stage of retail, allowing for "stars" to socialize with their friends while owning their personalized styles in an engaging and authentic space. 
The Garden of Us
An interactive digital garden that promotes connection and community well-being is found on the Media Bridge, a multi-million dollar integration of vertical and horizontal screens helping to connect Georgia Tech's Libraries.
The Lantern of Life
A light that helps tell a story that utilizes projection mapping, lighting design, show set design, and video production which creates the illusion of people living inside of it so that guests can experience it when standing in a queue for a themed attraction. 
Ramblin' River Run Water Ride
A unique water ride experience that takes guests through the history of Georgia Tech and the life of the famous student George P. Burdell. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, this experience allows guests to experience a hybrid flume and bobsled track that runs throughout the experience while also discovering the famous stories at Georgia Tech.
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